Adventure Kids Playcare is here to help with your childcare needs! If you are a member of Adventure Kids Playcare, we have several partnerships around town with fitness centers that range from hot yoga to crossfit and whole health planning. If you're looking for a nutrition program designed to jump start your fitness and body composition changes, we really like the Advocare line of supplements and meal plans. Nicole can get you everything you need for the 24 day challenge.
Here are our partners and the discounts on childcare available with each. To be fair, they are in alphabetical order.
Fitness Together offers individual fitness and nutrition training and education. Childcare at AK is free during your training sessions.
Gravity Janes takes Crossfit to another level and focuses on the fit-ness of your exercise and diet routine with a variety of group trainings, private trainings and nutritional seminars. Childcare at AK is half price during training sessions.
Hot Yoga Experience features far-infrared saunas, hatha and power classes and cater to beginners and long time practicioners alike. Childcare at AK is free during classes.
Sound Body Fitness & Nutrition offers a variety of exercise classes and nutrition training. This month, they are offering a free week of classes with free childcare at AK.
Stroller Strides is holding classes at Swedish Hospital with us & we're offering their members 30% off childcare during their workouts and the hour after.
Terra Yoga offers Hot Hatha Yoga, Power Vinyasa, and Anahata Vinyasa as well as Prenatal Yoga, private sessions, workshops and Pranassage®, a combination of yoga and bodywork that produces deep relaxation in the receiver. Childcare at AK is half price during classes.
We hope this information is helpful in your pursuit of health in 2012! Links to each of these partners are provided to the left.
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